Portrait of the painter Manuel Lopes Rodrigues
Portrait of the painter Manuel Lopes Rodrigues
Manuel Lopes Rodrigues (1859-1917) played a relevant role in Alberto Valença’s career. He is considered the master of masters of Bahia’s painters at the end of the 19 th century and beginning of the 20 th century. He had a remarkable position as motivator of talents, as professor of drawing and painting, besides leaving an extensive, although scattered, oeuvre.

João Francisco and Manuel Lopes Rodrigues, Presciliano Silva, Alberto Valença and Manoel Mendonça Filho are identified with Bahia’s School of Painting. João Francisco had been an apprentice of Teófilo de Jesus (1758-1847), who is considered one of the most talented painters in Bahia along the baroque age.

The so called Bahia’s School of Painting refers to a series of artists working mainly in Salvador, between the second half of the 18 th century and the first half of the 20 th century. The expression “school” in this case has a broad meaning. It is a tendency or artistic movement with similarities in style and themes among artists, generally known by the location, such as the Roman, French, and Venetian Schools of painting.

SPÍNOLA, Vera. Conversando com a Pintura de Alberto Valença: Um romance biográfico. Salvador: Museu de Arte, 2020, p. 18 e 19

Technical datasheet

Portrait of the painter Manuel Lopes Rodrigues
Alberto Valença
Oil on canvas
58 x 47 cm

Museu de Arte da Bahia