Ubarana Morning Light
It depicts the point where Pituba beach touches Amaralina beach.
The original toponym, originated from fish name, became gradually unused. One can still find a street named Ubarana in the neighborhood.
The picture shows a seascape with no urbanization, which is very different from the place today. The soft and blue light of early sunrise is perceptible. The beach faces the east.
The painting was donated by Mrs. Lavínia Machado to the National Museum of Fine Arts of Rio de Janeiro.
The original toponym, originated from fish name, became gradually unused. One can still find a street named Ubarana in the neighborhood.
The picture shows a seascape with no urbanization, which is very different from the place today. The soft and blue light of early sunrise is perceptible. The beach faces the east.
The painting was donated by Mrs. Lavínia Machado to the National Museum of Fine Arts of Rio de Janeiro.
Technical datasheet
Ubarana Morning LightSalvador, Bahia
Alberto Valença
Oil painting on canvas
National Museum of Fine Arts, Rio de Janeiro - RJ